
Auction on Saturday, August 15, 2020 11:00 PM UTC

Lot # 25 - Damian Siqueiros - Homo Naturans - 16po x 20 po,Estimation de l'artiste:$2000.00 SOLD

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Nom de l'artiste : Damian Siqueiros Titre de l'œuvre : « Homo Naturans » Matériaux : Photographie. Impression sur papier coton 300gr Dimensions : 16po x 20 po

Creator for impact Damian Siqueiros uses art to create positive narratives that aims towards healing social and ecological environments through empathic visual storytelling. While Siqueiros’ work is presented through photography, the creation of his images entails being a multidisciplinary practitioner: from make-up artist, stage designer, director, to photographer and digital artist. Performing arts have been at the core of his work almost since the beginning of his career. For him, performance has become a language expressed through photography to address complex issues through emotive abstract movement.


Siqueiros has collaborated with talented choreographers such as Sidi Larbi, Margie Gillis, Kyra Jean Green, Andrews Skeels as well as companies such as Danse Danse and Les Grands Ballets de Montréal. Damian has created more than 60 exhibitions in Canada and internationally, notably in Washington D.C, in Miami, in Mexico, in South Korea, in Toronto, Montréal and New York.


Siqueiros is currently working on Terra Sapiens, fostering an “art for environmental regeneration” vision with thought-provoking artistic representations of a viable future nurturing symbiotic Natural, Human, Collaborative and Developmental environments. In collaboration with LembasWorks, the entertainment for impact firm, this project features educational programs and community activating audio-visual creations featuring the Terra Sapiens Collective.

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CAD$ 0.00
CAD$ 25.00

Bidding (Standard bidding)

Pre-bidding end time:

Saturday, August 15, 2020 11:00 PM
(5 years ago)

Auction information

Encan d'Arts et de Rêves,samedi15 août 2020,19h

INFO:Nicole Côté   450  522-5215

EXPOSITION: Galerie Art Plus, 7 rue Maple, Sutton

 6-7-8- août  et   13-14-15 août  de 13h. a 17H.

INFO:Brigite Normandin 450 521-3189

L’encan-bénéfice D’Arts et de Rêves veut donner de la visibilité aux artistes dont l’accès aux œuvres a été limité ces derniers mois en raison de la pandémie. Ceux-ci se sont montrés généreux en acceptant de verser 50 % du prix final de vente à D’Arts et de rêves. C’est pourquoi nous avons un prix plancher pour les œuvres. En deçà du prix réel des œuvres, ces prix planchers assurent aux artistes et à notre organisme un revenu minimal dès la première enchère.

Merci de participer,

L’équipe D’Arts et de Rêves