
Auction on Saturday, August 15, 2020 11:00 PM UTC

Lot # 24 - Aydin Matlabi - Toussaint - 16 po x 24 po,Estimation de l'artiste:$1000.00 SOLD

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Nom de l'artiste : Aydin Matlabi Titre de l'œuvre : « Toussaint » Matériaux : Digital Fine Art Print Dimensions : 16 po x 24 po

Having worked in Haiti, Afghanistan, South Thailand, Iraq, Iran, DRC, and many more countries who struggle for freedom, Aydin creates narratives and stories in order to provide visibility for human rights. During his humanitarian missions, fighting for justice, Aydin Matlabi was arrested more times than he can remember. As an artist, his main purpose is to create art that helps the weakened communities and to give voice to those who have been silenced. His art uncovers strength and humanity in the most challenging places. For over a decade, Aydin's art revealed violence, human crises, and upheavals. This work has gained him several prestigious awards and was shown in solo exhibitions, including at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. This exposure and attention have also left him very vulnerable. Presently banned from his own native country of Iran, a Fatwa (bounty) threatens his life. Aydin embraces this risk, as he embraces his mission to ensure that the world's unheard voices are heard.

Aydin arrived in Canada as a child refugee and was raised alongside street gangs. Living with and seeing violence was the norm which still fascinates him. Thus, Aydin is familiar with environments similar to those of his youth.  He always tries to see humanity beyond adversity, violence and horror, and to foster understanding of human struggles by exposing them in full view while aspiring to evoke hope.

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CAD$ 0.00
CAD$ 25.00

Bidding (Standard bidding)

Pre-bidding end time:

Saturday, August 15, 2020 11:00 PM
(5 years ago)

Auction information

Encan d'Arts et de Rêves,samedi15 août 2020,19h

INFO:Nicole Côté   450  522-5215

EXPOSITION: Galerie Art Plus, 7 rue Maple, Sutton

 6-7-8- août  et   13-14-15 août  de 13h. a 17H.

INFO:Brigite Normandin 450 521-3189

L’encan-bénéfice D’Arts et de Rêves veut donner de la visibilité aux artistes dont l’accès aux œuvres a été limité ces derniers mois en raison de la pandémie. Ceux-ci se sont montrés généreux en acceptant de verser 50 % du prix final de vente à D’Arts et de rêves. C’est pourquoi nous avons un prix plancher pour les œuvres. En deçà du prix réel des œuvres, ces prix planchers assurent aux artistes et à notre organisme un revenu minimal dès la première enchère.

Merci de participer,

L’équipe D’Arts et de Rêves